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Fees and Funding


Fees from 1st April 2023:


Breakfast Club             7.30 - 9.00      £9.00  (can not be used within funded hours)

Morning session           9.00 - 12.00    £16.50 

Lunch club                  12.00 - 12.30   £2.75  (for children attending a full day)

Afternoon session        12.30 - 3.30    £16.50

Fees from 1st April 2025:


Breakfast Club             7.30 - 9.00      £9.50  (can not be used within funded hours)

Morning session           9.00 - 12.00    £18.00

Lunch club                  12.00 - 12.30   £3.00  (for children attending a full day)

Afternoon session        12.30 - 3.30    £18.00


Missed sessions due to illness, holidays, etc will still be invoiced. 

We accept children in receipt of 2 year old Early Education Funding, 3 and 4 year old 15 Hour Early Education Funding and 30 Hour Free Childcare Funding.


For more information regarding funding, please visit

Two year funding - 15 hours 

Information regarding funding Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK


Families may be entitled to Early Education Funding from the term after their child turns two. It only takes a few moments to check your eligibility and the response is instant.

You can choose to use your 15 hours in any combination of sessions, within our hours of operation. For example, you could choose for your child to attend five mornings, five afternoons, a combination of morning and afternoon sessions or two full days.


If the hours your child attends exceeds the 15 hours per week, you will be invoiced for the additional sessions. 

Three and four year funding - 15 hours 


Early Years Funding is available for all children from the term after they turn three years old.  Full details will be given to you once your child is eligible and you will be asked to complete a declaration form from Hertfordshire County Council.  This funding entitles your child to attend 15 hours per week for up to 38 weeks per year to a maximum of 570 hours. 

You can choose to use your 15 hours in any combination of sessions, within our hours of operation. For example, you could choose for your child to attend five mornings, five afternoons, a combination of morning and afternoon sessions or two full days.


If the hours your child attends exceeds the 15 hours per week, you will be invoiced for the additional sessions. 

2, 3 and 4 year old - 30 Hour Funding 


Information regarding funding Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK


To apply for the 30 hour funding Apply for free childcare if you're working - GOV.UK (

Eligible 2, 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to an additional 570 hours a year on top, depending on your circumstances. this is called '30 Hours Free Childcare' (that is a total of 1140 hours per year). This must be applied for at least a term before you wish the funding to start from.

If you wish to take up the 30 hours funding you will need to ensure you have the code by the end of the term before you want to start. For example, apply for the code by 31st August for autumn starters (September start), 31st December for spring starters (January start) and 31st March for summer starters (April start).


Once you have your funding code please contact the preschool to find out if we have space. Once we have validated your code we will then be able to offer you a space for 30 hours funding. The funding code will need to be reissued every 3 months, you will get an email asking you to do this when needed.

For children taking up a free 30-hour place, there are two options to choose from:​

Option 1

  • Monday to Thursday 9.00am – 3.30pm and Friday 9.00am – 1.00pm (a total of 30 hours)

  • Children will need to bring a packed lunch everyday

  • There is no charge for this option

Option 2

  • Monday to Friday 9.00am – 3.30pm (a total of 32.5 hours)

  • Children will need to bring a packed lunch everyday

  • There is a £13.75 charge per week for the additional hours (paid monthly), for this option




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